All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018

Amber Nichole Miller BTS Video & Interview
Amber Nichole Miller
Amber Nichole Miller started modeling at age 5 on the Mickey Mouse Club and turned that experience into multiple magazine covers & features, plus countless print and commercial jobs. Through hardwork and dedication, she became a spokesmodel for many global companies and was honored to be the 1st ever Octagon Girl for the UFC. Amber met her long time boyfriend, MMA Legend Tito Ortiz, and left the lights of Vegas for the sunny shores of California. In 2017 she joined the cast of the E! Networks show, “WAGS”, and today her career is thriving through multiple worldwide endorsements and branding opportunities.
Don’t be fooled by her pretty smile because her athletic lifestyle and exercise regiment is top notch. She can, and will, kick your ass!

Amber Nichole Miller Q&A
If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?
Was the juice worth the squeeze.
Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
Hug all my loved ones because everyone is so busy. It’s hard to just get then to stop for a minute so I can enjoy them.

What is something you are obsessed with?
Skincare! I have a drawer full of products and I’m always looking for a better and conservatively priced line. And Christian Louboutin is my FAVORITE shoe designer
What’s your favorite way to waste time?
No time is wasted when you live your best life.

What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
People befriending people based on their social media presence and never really getting to know each other.
What do you do to get rid of stress?
I workout or do yoga

What three words best describe you?
Honest, Loving, Dependable
Where is the most beautiful place you have been?
Turks and Caicos

Where is the most relaxing place you have been?
San Cosme Mexico
What word or saying from the past do you think should come back?

What was the last movie you watched?
The MEG in 3D
Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your own home?
I love watching movies at the theater when it’s a big action movie. But I am a movie buff, I only watch movies, I don’t watch TV.

What was the last funny video you saw?
A dog eating with humans hands. It was pretty hilarious!
What’s your secret talent?
I love bowling, and I love to cook!

What song always puts you in a good mood?
“Happy” by Pharrell
Are there any songs that always bring a tear to your eye?
I love a lot of different music and feel emotions often but none that make me tear up.

Who was the first band or musician you were really into?
Whitney Houston
What are the three best apps on your phone?
Instagram, Poshmark, UFC Gym

An app mysteriously appears on your phone that does something amazing. What does it do?
Honesty scanner, it can read patterns on the face and flections in the voice. I hate liars and I would love an app that would hold people accountable.
What is a fashion trend you are really glad went away?
Guys in skinny jeans

What is the most comfortable piece of clothing you own?
My workout clothes, all from Forever 21
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
35 Christian Louboutin, 12 Nike, 6 Converse, 2 Kylie & Kendall, 27 various shoes, 20 flip flops – Total: 102
What’s the most ridiculous thing you ever bought?
$2000 Christian Louboutin boots

What’s the funniest pick up line you’ve heard?
“I’ll take you out to dinner tonight and you can make me breakfast in the morning” not the funniest but an A for effort
If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one hour conversation, who would you call?
Jennifer Lopez
Who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight and why?
My boyfriend Tito because he always makes sure I’m taken care of and I usually sleep nearly the entire flight. I’ve been traveling since age 4
Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)?
JLo, Dwayne Johnson and Reese Witherspoon

If you had a personal mascot, what would your mascot be?
The Savage… it would be more like a hype person. Someone who would get you pumped up and encourage everything you do!
What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?
I want to have my own show about women who do it all and encourage other women to be positive. Finish my book, publish it, and shop it to be a show!! Also I have always dreamed of being on a Television Sitcom, or in the Movies. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams!!
What do you hope to achieve in your professional life?
Sports Illustrated, Victoria Secret, Movie Actress, and help the movement of – age is just a number in the modeling industry!
Where can we follow you to stay up to date on your career?
IG: @ambernicholemiller
Twitter: @ambernicholem1
Facebook: @ambernicholemiller
Instagram: @beyondthespotlights
Photographer: Mario Barberio
Instagram: @mariobarberiophotos
Stylist: Madison Dixon
Instagram: @madisondixonstylist
Makeup: Elizabeth Seropian
Instagram: @elojelloseropian
Hair: Yuichi Ishida
Instagram: @hairbyyuichi
All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018