All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018

Dominic Kline BTS Video & Interview

Dominic Kline Q&A
Where were you born? I was born in Hawaii
How long have you lived in Los Angeles? 5 years
What do you miss about where you grew up, and what do you dislike about Los Angeles?
I miss how care free and un-stressful Hawaii is. I hate all the fake people in LA

Tell us about your feelings when you stepped in front of a camera on your first profession project?
I was super excited and ready to work
What advice would you share with someone trying to break into the entertainment industry?
Learn how to take criticism
Who what has had the biggest impact on the person you have become?
My mom, grandma and uncle

What is something you are obsessed with? Competition
On a scale of 1-10, how strict are your parents? 8/10
What’s your best childhood memory? Holidays with my family

Select 5 musicians/bands, past or present, for your personal Coachella style music festival line up.
Juice World, Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Bob Marley and Green Day
What do you do to get rid of stress? Go to acting class

What three words best describe you?
Chill, funny, nice
If you could try out any regular job for a day, what would you like to try?
NBA player

What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?
Being born into my family
What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
Booking jobs and singing

What do you hope to achieve in your professional life?
Be an A list successful actor and singer
What are your goals for the future?
Same, be an A list actor and singer

Please tell us about your upcoming projects to watch for?
Total Eclipse and a pilot I can’t talk about yet
Where can we follow you to stay up to date on your career?
On Instagram @dominickline

Instagram: @beyondthespotlights
Photographer: Mario Barberio
Instagram: @mariobarberiophotos
Stylist: Madison Dixon
Instagram: @madisondixonstylist
Hair & Makeup: Kimberly Johnson
Instagram: @kimmyjmakeup
All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018