All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018

Connor Finnerty BTS Video & Interview

Connor Finnerty Q&A
What inspired you to pursue acting, singing and dancing?
The thing that inspired me to pursue acting, singing, and dancing was watching Disney and seeing stars like Zendaya and Selena Gomez. Not just their acting, but both also coming out with music videos that showed off their other talents that I didn’t know that existed which were singing and dancing.
What were your feelings the first time you were in front of a camera on a professional level?
The first time I was in front of a professional camera I was ecstatic. I felt like I found where I belonged.

What TV show character would be the most fun to change places with for a week?
I would have love to trade places with Stefan from Vampire Diaries because that one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite shows of all time. I just think it would be cool to play the popular vampire who he gets to go on all sorts of fun adventures.
Who is your greatest inspiration in the acting profession?
My greatest inspiration in the acting profession is Tom Hanks because I’ve watched so many films that he’s starred in, and the different levels of acting that brings to his characters is incredible.

What’s the best show currently on TV?
The best show currently on TV is Riverdale, because like every teenager, we all love the show because of its intensity and nonstop drama. Every time I finish watching an episode the ending makes me want to watch the upcoming episode right after that, and then you think you know most of the storyline only to have the writers throw you a curve ball that you didn’t see coming.
If you just landed the lead role in a big budget action film, who is your dream co-star?
If I landed a lead role in a big budget action film I would want my dream co-star to be Vin Diesel. First off, I’m a big Fast and Furious fan, so to do intense action-packed movie with an actor like Vin Diesel would be a dream come true.

What are three things you do every day?
Outside of your standard eat, sleep, shower, etc, and I would have to say that every night I wash my face – this is a must, especially for teenagers. I usually head to Hollywood or Studio City for something, whether it’s dancing, an audition, or seeing friends. I also help my parents take our three dogs out for a walk.
Who or what makes you nervous?
A big audition or performance can get me nervous.
What are the three best apps on your phone?
The three best apps on my phone are Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.

What was the last thing you Googled?
The last thing I googled was me looking to get some information about the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. I’m a big Lakers fan, and I like to catch up on any updated news about the team or players.
How often do you check your phone?
Umm, well, if I’m not busy doing something, it’s probably every five minutes, if not more. Lol.

What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
The strangest dream I ever had was when I had a dream about me being this lion in the jungles of Africa and I was chasing this really fast animal which I think was a cheetah, but then the Cheetah leaped across a cliff and onto another side of the cliff. I then followed the Cheetah, but I wasn’t successful in my attempt to jump the same cliff and that is when I woke up – that’s all I remember. LOL.
What three famous people, living or dead, would you want at your fantasy dinner party?
If I could have fantasy dinner party with three famous people of my choice, it would have to be Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and Tom Hanks.

Would you rather win an Olympic medal, an Academy Award, or the Nobel Peace prize?
I would rather win an Academy Award because for any actor it’s a life goal to winner an award like an Academy Award and it would easily be one of my biggest accomplishments.
If you could eat only three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Three foods that I would eat for the rest of my life would be fettucine alfredo, Chick Fil A Chicken Nuggets, and homemade mashed potatoes.
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I would probably spend that extra time hanging out with friends, maybe catching up on watching some of my favorite YouTubers and Netflix shows.

What do you hope to achieve in your professional life?
I have a lot of professional goals, that include becoming a working actor, whether that’s in big box office movies or network TV shows. That is the main reason I moved to Los Angeles three years ago at the age of 12. However, I also want to spend time on developing as a singer and as always, I will continue to dance weekly so that I never want lose that skill, plus I enjoy it.
What are your goals for the future?
Well, I already covered by professional goals, so personally I would like to travel a lot. There are so many places I have not been to. I would love to see New York City, go to Bora Bora, and so many other places. I’m in a sophomore in high school, so for the near future I hope that I can go to college, particularly UCLA, so we’ll see what happens professionally between now and then and if I can do both.

Please tell us about your upcoming projects to watch for?
This fall I’ll have some merchandise coming that I’m really excited about, and the only hint I’ll give you is that it’s not t-shirts or standard merchandise. Stay tuned.
Where can we follow you to stay up to date on your career?
Just follow my Instagram page as I update that daily at ConnorFinnerty_, but you can also get updates on my Twitter page with the same handle and I also have a website which is

Instagram: @beyondthespotlights
Photographer: Mario Barberio
Instagram: @mariobarberiophotos
Stylist: Madison Dixon
Instagram: @madisondixonstylist
Hair & Makeup: Kimberly Johnson
Instagram: @kimmyjmakeup
All Photos © Mario Barberio 2018